Water Conservation

Water is a limited resource. What each of us does in the world, how we live, does make a difference. As we learn the value of clean, safe water and how scarce it truly is, we can take steps to protect it and to get it to people who lack access today.Did you know that neearly 1 billion people, mostly in the developing world, have no access to safe water? More than double this number – about 2.4 billion – have no access to any form of improved sanitation facilities. They could use your help to get it. We can reduce wastage of water to keep in our habits of these type of small things:-Fix your Leaks – Known or unknown leaks in taps, pipes, and toilets can result in up to 11,000 Liters of water being wasted. You should always check all your bath fittings for any leakage and get the leaks repaired as soon as possible. This will not only save wastage of water but will also avoid any damage to your walls and fittings.Turn Off the Tap While Brushing your Teeth or Shaving – An average tap or faucet throws approximately 10 liters of water every minute. So don’t leave the tap open while brushing or shaving. Turn off the faucet after you wet your brush, and turn it on when it’s time to rinse.Turn Off the Tap While Washing your Hands – Do not leave the tap running while you’re scrubbing your hands. Wet your hands and turn off the tap, turn on the tap when you need to rinse.Flush with Less – Older flush use 3 to 4 times more water as compared to the new ones. Convert your old flush toilet to a dual-flush toilet. A dual-flush toilet allows you to use less water to flush liquid waste and more water to flush solid waste simply by pressing the correct button.Install a Tap/Faucet Aerator – Adding an aerator to your tap/faucet will add air to the flow of water, giving you a more consistent stream while also using less water overall. Tap/Faucet aerators are very easy to install, inexpensive and highly effective. Taps/faucets with aerators can save up to 80% of water as compared to the tap/faucets without aerators. Aerators should also be used in taps/faucets in bathrooms.Re-use RO Waste Water – Are you using an RO water purifier at your home? Then you must be aware of the excessive wastage of water. An average RO purifier wastes approximately 3 litres of water for every 1 litre of purified water. This is a lot of wastage. You should try to reduce and re-use the RO waste water.Washing Dishes by Hand? – When you are washing dishes by hand don’t leave the water running for rinsing. Fill up your sink with water or use a large pan or bucket for rinsing the dishes. This will minimize the water wastage by not letting the water run the whole time when you’re scrubbing the dishes.Washing Dishes by Dishwasher? – Always remember to load your dishwasher to its full capacity. This will avoid multiple running cycles of the dishwasher and will save a lot of water.Clean Fruits & Vegetables in a Pan – When you need to clean fruits and vegetables with water, try filling up a pan of water to wash them instead of letting the faucet run. By doing this, not only you will use less water but you can also use the water from the Pan for watering your plants.Install a Water Meter – A water meter will not only help in measuring the amount of water you use but it is the most important tool in your fight against reducing the wastage of water. Because without measuring the water usage you may feel that you are not wasting the water. But once you install a water meter you might be very surprised to find out how much water you are actually using. Meters can also be very helpful in detecting leaks – take the meter reading, wait for an hour or two without running any water, and read it again. If there is any difference in the meter reading then you know something is leaking.Stop the Overflow – Almost all homes and commercial premises in India and overhead tanks for water storage. And all of us have seen ours or our neighbours’ water tank overflowing at some point in time. We can easily stop the overflow from our water tanks and save hundreds of liters of water daily by simply using one of the below solutions:Install a Float Valve: A float valve is a very simple, inexpensive but highly effective equipment for stopping the tank overflow. It automatically stops the incoming flow of water in the tank when the water in the tank reaches the maximum level. This solution is best suited for water tanks which are filled using normal incoming water pressure. Always remember, you should never install a standard float valve if you are using a water motor/pump to fill the water tank.Water Tank Overflow Alarm: A standard float valve is a piece of great equipment for stopping the tank overflow if you are not using a water pump for filling the water tank. But what about the people who are using a water pump? Water Tank Overflow Alarm is a small electronic device that alerts you every time water overflows from your tank. It does not stop the flow of water, it simply raises an alarm so you can shut off the water pump. This simple device not only saves water but also saves electricity because your water pump is not left running even after your water tank is full.

Automatic Water Level Controller: As the name suggests, Automatic Water Level Controller is an electronic device which controls or manages the water level in your water tank. It consists of an electronic controller and water level sensors. The electronic controller is connected to the electric supply, water motor/pump, and the sensors. This device automatically switches on/off your water motor/pump when the water level in the tank reaches the minimum/maximum level.