
About the cause: health

2.4 million Indians die of treatable conditions every year! Healthcare is a luxury which inaccessible for the poor. Health cannot be a privilege. Donate to help the underprivileged people for their health. Support them with access to medical help like pediatric care, maternal healthcare, gynecology care, dental care, chemotherapy, and counseling. Give them a chance to fight their illnesses.


70% of India’s poor cancer patients lose their lives due to late detection of which 15% are children. Cancer survival depends on early diagnosis and access to medical treatment which poor cancer patients cannot afford. Donate to patients suffering from cancer so that they can receive access to medical support like chemotherapy, radiation and quality nutrition. Give them a chance to fight.

Pediatric Care

67 million Indian children under the age of 5 lack access to affordable healthcare. 66% of the poorest children in India receive no or minimal healthcare. Many children die of treatable conditions every year. Many suffer silently unable to afford treatments. Donate to children in need and help them with treatment, medicines, hospital expenses and nutritious food to help them with a chance at life.

Mental Health

7% of Indians suffer from mental health disorders. The poor who experience debt, hunger, poverty, and hopelessness are more likely to suffer from mental disorders and cannot afford medical help. This is a vicious cycle. Donate to the aid of poor patients suffering from mental disorders so that they can get therapy, care and find a way to live a normal life.

Extreme Need

Those in extreme need are usually socially excluded and face a lack of basic necessitates for reasons like living in underserved areas or social stigma of being affected with an incurable illness. Donate to those in extreme need and help them with resources like food, medical care, livelihood resources, sanitation, education, etc. to enable them to lead a normal life.

Under Funded

Donate to underfunded programs that are doing great work to provide the poor with necessities like food, shelter, education, senior care, and healthcare. These nonprofits are struggling to continue to help people as they are not receiving the necessary support. Help them with their efforts with your donations.